Friday, March 6, 2009

a few while ago,someone compliment me with "u shud write".."a book or something,like getting paid or something"...which i think is d highest compliment i can ever get.and someone once said i shud" write a children book.only nmore ceria type of story,coz reading my blog make her sleepy,so ill b a good sleeping-book writer",which i conviniently juz dismiss as she dont get what im trying to say(how humane i am,accept d compliment and dismiss d critics)..and its juz made me kembang idong kejap,d compliment part i mean......not dat i think i am dat good..well..not dat i think i am any good....she is a good "friend"..why i put dat friend in "-",erm ...becoz we not really a friend like how friend is,its more of online friend.but what a good online friend she is. d other day,i was chatting about friend and people-i-know issue with another good-online-friend.d issue was what d different between friend and people-i-know.well,d different is how we classify others,peoples in our life.theres people that we know from childhood,from d same kampung,from d same schools,from work,from chatroom,from people dat we know from forementioned "from",friend of a friend,friend of a friend's friend.friend from nowhere.friend can come in all shape n size.come from all d places.and we will clasify all diz people into different it work differ form one person to another.some use levels.some use degree ,like friendster...some dont clasify at me,theres people-i-know,theres friends.then theres ...........others.....

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