Sunday, March 15, 2009


dan mereka mereka pun berasakan diri mereka adalah orang yang lebih baik dari sekalian yang dikeliling mereka..mereka berasa merka adalah lebih bijak,lebih mulia,lebih segala dari yang lain..sedangkan tanpa mereka sedar,mereka sebenarnya hanyalah satu dusta terhadap diri mereka sendiri..keangkuhan mereka jugalah punca mereka suatu hari nanti jatuh tersembam menyembah bumi yang suatu masa dulu tidak mereka jelingpun semasa mereka membabik dada memandang langit sambil berkata akulah yang terhebat dan berkuasa.....
did u know penang sea is d most jellyfish-rich area of malaysia...there r so many type of jellyfish here..white one red oe..not so red,dark red..long ones..short one..big one..small one..u name it penang have it...and they sting like hell...well,jellyfish can kills yaknow...of cuz ya what baout jellyfish u may ask..well,i got stung(not really stung since they dont "stung" like a bee) in diz last 3 days more than i have been stung in d past combined..yup,it hurts...pedih...but i know da gonna happen when i took diz job..since penang sea is so jellyfish-rich,its almost impossible to avoid it..well...for d jellyfish not really fully protected..theres still some exposed skins...its not like those jellyfish can look for dat exposed part..its juz..well,they juz adrift..folloing the current..i juz happen to b there when they pass,which is always......okes...gotta go..till next time...been too tired write..too occupied to mengelamun..too sleepy to berangan..dive was good..well every dive is good dive..even when its not as how it is planned...unless theres something bad happen...hopefully i will have no bad dive...maleh dah....nak menulis i mean...ops..menaip..

Friday, March 6, 2009

bahasa jiwa bangsa.jiwa bahasa bangsa.bangsa bahasa jiwa

kenapa saya kurang menggunakan bhasa melayu dalam blog saya ni.padahal bahasa inggeris saye punya la anchus.grammar betabor,spelling lintang pukang dan perbendaharaan kata yg terhad.penggunaan perkataan yg tak tepat,susunan ayat yg salah.ada satu hari tu sorang komen yg saya ni kebaratan,banggakan bahasa inggeris.mungkin sebab saya banyak tulis dalam bhasa onputih agaknya.saye pon melenting la.truk gak dia kena fire ngan saya.padan muka dia.judgmental ada gak sekali tiu seorang pembaca puji saya.saya pon apa lagi,kembang idong la.padahalnya apa yg dia tu cakap pon bukannya betol sangat sebab dia judge positively,saye tak la melenting kat dia.kenapa ini berlaku.pas saya kembang idong tu(la,manusia biasa la katakan,maunya tak kembang idong bila dipuji)barulah saya terpikir pasal benda judge positively saya tak tulis terus pasal isu ni.perkara tu dah berlaku seminggu lebih yg lepas dah..tu la kita manusia kan.bila benda tu tentang kita,kalau baik kita terima walaupun bukan benar atau kita tak berapa nak layak kalau buruk,walaupun hampir2 benar,kita nafikan.kita tepis habis habisan.kita kata org takde hak tuk judge kita.walhal kita yg meletakkan diri kita dalam posisi utk dihakimi.hidup ni satu perbicaraan.siapa hakim,siapa peguam dan siapa tertuduh bergantung pada sirkumtasi(haha,satu perkataan pinjam baru yg saya adakan sendiri,syabas dari DBP buat saya).apa hukumannya,kita sendiri yang tentukan.dalam kita menghada[i kehidupan ini,kita akan merasa jadi hakim,jadi pendakwa dan jadi pembela.kita akan dituduh dan kita akan menuduh.kita akan membuat penghakiman yang adil(jarang2) tapi selalunya kita menghakimi sesuka hati kita.berbalik kepada isu bahasa blog saya.jadi kenapa.mungkin kerana bila saya menulis,saya lagi mudah berpikir dlam bahasa omputih.typing saya juga lagi lancar dalam bahasa la kan dah selalu sangat guna,jadi lancar la.dan shortforming saya pon cekap dalam bhasa inggeris juga.bila bahasa melayu,saya selalunya tulis penoh penoh dan bhasa skema.ngapa ek.tah la.saye pon tak tau.cuma yang saya tau,setart dari saye discover bhase inggeris mase umo bih kuang 6 taun (mase tu belajo menyanyi ,lagu ape tah tak ingat bukan lagu twinkel twinkel)sampe la skarang,saye memang tetap rase cam nak blajo lagi.cuma method saye blajo tu lain.mase skolah dulu saye blajo ape yg cikgu ajo,pastu bila saya start terpesong dari sistem kokurikulum,saye pon mulalah belajo sniri.buku,surat kabo,lagu,cerita,majalah jadi sumber rujukan dan latihan.ada gak satu period dalam idup saya saya g tempat omputih or org bukan melayu lepak dgn tujuan nak spiking.kira cam g wat praktikal la.time chatting,saye selalunya pakai bhasa omputih..bukan apa.tu la masa saya nak praktiskan apa yg saya blajo.dalam kehidupan hubung-lansung(teka apa perkataan bhasa inggeris tuk perkataan ni),saye tak banyak pakai .saye cakap melayu ngan membe-membe saye.kalu dulu saye slalu cakap bhase omputih ngan bos saye kalau keje nyelam tp sebab saya dah maleh nak layan kerenah dia,jd saya dah kurang dua org tempat latihan.pastu kalau tak kapal dulu,saye cakap ngan capt soon.skang ni likely saya x jumpa capt soon there goes another kot nanti bila g nyelam,banyak smula pakai bende yang saye ngarutkan ni...ish...cukup dulu la.dah dkt kul 5 dah..baik aku tido......babai.........

*dream in english.complete with subtitles.....haha

letter to myself

dear myself
hey u doing.hope u doing great.hows life.heard u got a new job.congratulation.
its been a while since u write to me.what happened.why u being so quiet.juz drop me a lines or two every now n then.juz a blank paper with a ur signature will do.juz a blank paper if u really dont have anything to long its something.u know,u gotta b better with keeping in touch with people around u.dont be too self-centered.maybe one oday u wud need help and u have no one u can turn to since u kinda keepig away from them.think about it man.what does it takes to give them a call more often.juz say hi n ask how them doing.dats what we call keeping in touch,juz in case u forgot.
however,i suppose u have a good reason doing what u i wish u all d best and hope u have d best of luck n be in good health always.


ps:a miscalls still count as keeping in touch.or a blank sms.

What exactly do you want..? pt 2

when u thot u got all u want,some new things come into ur list.and d list eventually grow will only stop when u want nothing at all anymore.which likely will not come.we human is so good with wanting,we can never run out of what we want.some name it as ambition,some says its target,some call it goal,some simply put it as wish.but whatever we call it,its GREED.we want bigger,better,more of,sometime less of "things".hey,we r human after we r one hard being to satisfy.our list become what drive us.we work ourself hard to get what we want.we do have some sense of achivement once we get something in our list "done" or "posessed".but dat satisfaction is usualy shortlived,becoz we soon work on d next thing in our it career things or material things.sometimes its more of self-satisfactoin,pride kind of things.but i guess dats what make us regular why dont we try not to want things.well,by doing so we still.....wanting......

change pt2

how u define change.what can b considered as change,n what cant b considered as change.we know how "time change everythig","change is natural","everybody change"..but how much change is "changed"?as we grow older,we hope we grew wiser.and sometimes we appear to b wiser till something go wrong and it smack us on d face n we realise how we aged but none d we experience things and hope we become experienced but we actually juz dont learn from mistakes.we hope age mature us,but we realise age is juz a number n grey hair and wrinkles a d worries.we hear stories n hope to learn from others mistake but turn out we juz become another story others will tellso someone can learn from our mistakes.we read with hopes we can make better decision but when we have to decide,we often go for d easiest solution.we we told ourself to remember diz n dat,but we forgot to tell not to forget what we remind ourself about.we write to express ourself but end up with more things to express.we try to solve things rationally but we let emotion come in our way.we strive for d best but dont try our hardest.we wish for d best but dont work hard enuf for do we really change or juz ..........TBC
a few while ago,someone compliment me with "u shud write".."a book or something,like getting paid or something"...which i think is d highest compliment i can ever get.and someone once said i shud" write a children book.only nmore ceria type of story,coz reading my blog make her sleepy,so ill b a good sleeping-book writer",which i conviniently juz dismiss as she dont get what im trying to say(how humane i am,accept d compliment and dismiss d critics)..and its juz made me kembang idong kejap,d compliment part i mean......not dat i think i am dat good..well..not dat i think i am any good....she is a good "friend"..why i put dat friend in "-",erm ...becoz we not really a friend like how friend is,its more of online friend.but what a good online friend she is. d other day,i was chatting about friend and people-i-know issue with another good-online-friend.d issue was what d different between friend and people-i-know.well,d different is how we classify others,peoples in our life.theres people that we know from childhood,from d same kampung,from d same schools,from work,from chatroom,from people dat we know from forementioned "from",friend of a friend,friend of a friend's friend.friend from nowhere.friend can come in all shape n size.come from all d places.and we will clasify all diz people into different it work differ form one person to another.some use levels.some use degree ,like friendster...some dont clasify at me,theres people-i-know,theres friends.then theres ...........others.....


today,i went out..and watched few movies...3 movies..and while i was watching,i had so many things dat i wanna write about.inspiration juz flow,effortlessly.but as soon as d movie finish,its all disappeared..but i will try to bring em back,effortfully if i have to..
lets start somewhere.someone recently said im a bitter person.well not exactly what dat person said,but more or less to dat effect.well,i used to be a bitter person...well,experience n life made me.juz cant help it.and some of dat bitterness still lingering i suppose..and u know how bitterness linger longer than sweetness.and bitterness also turn me into a selfish person...o yes,im a selfish person..i do things as i wish.i live my life for myself.i dont really care about people around me.or if i do care,i dont really show it.i always put myself first b4 others.and recently i am presented with one of d biggest choice i can get in my life.and d choice is to b selfish or to b i was thinking about it....for days....and i cant decide..i keep go back n forth between those 2 moment diz n d next dat..back to diz ,changed to dat again..u may ask hv i decide now.d answer is yes i hv decided.what i hv decide..none of ur bisnes...hehe....
*what came to mind while in d cinema was actually longer n more complicated but diz is all i can put here for now....

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


*PS :dis was a cut n paste job..not my blog..juz an interesting way to see things from different angle
School: A place where Papa pays and Son plays.
Life Insurance: A contract that keeps you poor all your life so that you can die Rich.
Nurse: A person who wakes u up to give you sleeping pills.
Marriage: It's an agreement in which a man loses his bachelor degree and a woman gains her masters.
Tears: The hydraulic force by which masculine willpower is defeated by feminine waterpower.
Lecture: An art of transferring information from the notes of the Lecturer to the notes of the students without passing through 'the minds of either'
Conference: The confusion of one man multiplied by the number present.
Compromise: The art of dividing a cake in such a way that everybody believes he got the biggest piece.
Dictionary: A place where success comes before work.
Conference Room: A place where everybody talks, nobody listens and everybody disagrees later on.
Father: A banker provided by nature.
Boss: Someone who is early when you are late and late when you are early.
Politician: One who shakes your hand before elections and your Confidence after.
Doctor: A person who kills your ills by pills, and kills you by bills.
Classic: Books, which people praise, but do not read.
Smile: A curve that can set a lot of things straight.
Office: A place where you can relax after your strenuous home life.
Yawn: The only time some married men ever get to open their mouth.
Etc.: A sign to make others believe that you know more than you actually do.
Committee: Individuals who can do nothing individually and sit to decide that nothing can be done together.
Experience: The name men give to their mistakes.
Atom Bomb: An invention to end all inventions.
Philosopher: A fool who torments himself during life, to be wise after death