Sunday, March 15, 2009

did u know penang sea is d most jellyfish-rich area of malaysia...there r so many type of jellyfish here..white one red oe..not so red,dark red..long ones..short one..big one..small one..u name it penang have it...and they sting like hell...well,jellyfish can kills yaknow...of cuz ya what baout jellyfish u may ask..well,i got stung(not really stung since they dont "stung" like a bee) in diz last 3 days more than i have been stung in d past combined..yup,it hurts...pedih...but i know da gonna happen when i took diz job..since penang sea is so jellyfish-rich,its almost impossible to avoid it..well...for d jellyfish not really fully protected..theres still some exposed skins...its not like those jellyfish can look for dat exposed part..its juz..well,they juz adrift..folloing the current..i juz happen to b there when they pass,which is always......okes...gotta go..till next time...been too tired write..too occupied to mengelamun..too sleepy to berangan..dive was good..well every dive is good dive..even when its not as how it is planned...unless theres something bad happen...hopefully i will have no bad dive...maleh dah....nak menulis i mean...ops..menaip..

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