Monday, January 25, 2010

changee..and all the things about it

do u believe people can change.i mean do u really believe it.and can people really change.and what does it take to make people change.and can the good change last.and how long it will take for people to change.......


  1. I actually found you through AFF - what you wrote in your blog there was intriguing, to say the least (especially the your first -and currently only- post for the year). Can we be friends? You can reach me at Hope to hear from you soon :)

  2. secara jujurnya aku selalu lebih pada berharap yang seseorang itu akan berubah...
    tp malangnya pengharapan itu sia2...
    im not saying aku ni bagus tp aku rasa terpulang pada individu itu sendiri..
    ada setengah rasa mahu berubah dan buat while the rest cakap dibibir saja...
    well,tepuk dada tanya hati...
