Wednesday, April 8, 2009


have'nt been so productive lately.a week without any new input.guess i dont have much thing to say about anything lately.while i was away ,i got few ideas for blog.but somehow i cant put words into those idea.i tried to write and save it somewhere in diz laptop.but d feeling somehow not as same as writing it online.d spontaneous not there i guess.maybe dats why i prefer d old pen n paper for writing.
so where am i heading with diz,i cant tell pretty much cant tell u really what am i trying to tell u all here..i cant think of any specific topic.cant even put a title for diz.but seem like few of my entries have no title.but title dont make or break something...or u beg to differ?yes,its important.but not THAT important.better to have a slightly underrated title but a good story than a killer title but crap story.but somehow i choose my book based on title...nost of d time..and whats on d i determine a good to bad u may ask...well..its a complex calculation of visual impact,wordplay and some unexplainable force...well..i juz choose...whatever fancy i cant really tell how it work..and safe to say dat it work for did cover represent whats some extent yes.unless d cover used purposely used as disguise,or intentionaly misguiding.but dat doesnt mean we should judge d book with it cover..and d cover is only one page.what one page can tell about hundreds or even thousands of pages inside.and we shall no be judgemental..but we juz cant help it,can juz happen.we always have some type of presumation about someone or something or anything.but as we get to know better,well see d side we didnt saw earlier.dats juz life..or something like d nest time u choosing a book,give d cover a lil more thought..and see what u can make out of it..and see if u guess it right...

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