Wednesday, April 29, 2009
homesick while in singapore..only been here for 3 days....yepp..i myself cant believe it....
Friday, April 24, 2009
because i said so...
so,tell me...what made u read my blog.coz someone suggest me to decorate or improve d look of my blog to attract not gonna do dat.not becoz i dont think dats a good idea but becoz dats juz not how i want to attract readers.if i am gonna b a famous blogger,let it be from my poorly decorated but briliantly wirten blog.not d other way around.and for the one who suggest it,please dont be offended by diz post...
men n women
which is d better sex.gender war..chromosome battle.diz is d old classic like egg n chicken question.or chcken n egg.if u r on diz side of d fence u will say ur side is better.and me as d other side of d fence,will insist on my side.theres studies,research,findings,experiment,views and whatsnot but in d end of d day,its always ur own side dats always better....
Thursday, April 23, 2009
and here we go again
good thing come to those who wait.but how long a wait before its too long.because time wait for no one.and time worth more than dont saty silence for too long eventho silence is golden.patience is virtue but one can take only so much before all hell brake carefull of what u wish for,u might juz get it all and some u didnt.then ull wish u didnt ask for any of it at all.what dont kill u only make u stronger but what if left u almost lifeless,barely alive.ignorance is bliss but when ignorance reign life is lost.but the strong will doesnt dat make all of us d strongs.its a rat race,but nobodys quit while u ahead or u end up losing it all.but living on d edge make u treasure what u life on d fast lane make u play it safer.but when it aint rough it aint push it to the limit but dont cross d line....
Monday, April 20, 2009
what usualy trigger u all d blogger into writing mode.what make ur creative juice flow.what connect ur brain,ur thought and ur fingers together.what give u d urge to write.what make ur thought somehow translatable and readable using a form of symbols dat somehow understandable.and how u choose what to write and what not to write.many times,i dont have d access to write when i have something brilliant(or atleast so i told myself) in my mind.and being in IT n COMPUTER age,we dont carry pen n notebook around least not me.i used to have one book dat i keep juz in case i need to write something..not dat d book gotta see lots of daylight.but dat not as d same as blogging.since no one will read it and now dat book end up somewhere dat i cant tell back at home.dusty and maybe d pest got d best of it already.but im quite sure theres many blog dat went unattended,unupdated,unread,ignored and juz forgotten here on d net.but i hope diz one dat u r reading now wont be like dat.not for diz near future anyway...
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
my mind usualy gotto work overtime after a good movie.many night i end up sleepless after watched such my measure of how good d movie is how much it got my mind working after watching it.and recently i watch a good malay did get my mind working overtime..but not to d extend i cant i guess dat means 4 star for yasmin's latest effort from me.but i gotta say its d best to date from her.its a good watch nevertheless.and actually i was about to write about how BODY OF LIES (russel crow and yet another powerful acting by titanic pretty boy leo) make me feel.but somehow d right words dont seem to appear in my vocab.i kinda lost of words.dunno what to say.i wud say dat it got my mind working,but my mind surely not sending d right....right signal to my brain which then supposely to sent it to my fingers so i can key it onto d screen and translate those ......feeling(im not sure if feeling is was d right word to use).but surely what u r reading here is not what exactly what d movie trigger.i guess im losing more n more connection with my innerself..haha...
Sunday, April 12, 2009
merapu lagi
mari bercerita.mari memberitahu.bercakap kosong tanpa makna.buat buat macam siyes tapi sebenarnya ampes.buat macam tau tapi abuk pun takde.buat macam pandai tapi eja pon tak betol.kalau dah rasa macam nak tulis tu tulis jer jangan pikir pikir pun cmana nak tulis.susun ayat pon main antam jer...bukan ada orang nak check spelling pon.bukan ada orang nak bagi markah pon.yang baca pon tah kan sorang dua jer.tapi padan la sebab kau pon baca satu dua blog org lain jer.what u give u get back.what come around goes be carefull of what u wish for,u might juz got it all..and some of what u not.kata org utara ada pi ada mai..
i have something dat i wanted to write about.but somehow im afraid of i better stop here before i get arrested.we live in a free country.we are free to b arrested dat is..
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
have'nt been so productive lately.a week without any new input.guess i dont have much thing to say about anything lately.while i was away ,i got few ideas for blog.but somehow i cant put words into those idea.i tried to write and save it somewhere in diz laptop.but d feeling somehow not as same as writing it online.d spontaneous not there i guess.maybe dats why i prefer d old pen n paper for writing.
so where am i heading with diz,i cant tell pretty much cant tell u really what am i trying to tell u all here..i cant think of any specific topic.cant even put a title for diz.but seem like few of my entries have no title.but title dont make or break something...or u beg to differ?yes,its important.but not THAT important.better to have a slightly underrated title but a good story than a killer title but crap story.but somehow i choose my book based on title...nost of d time..and whats on d i determine a good to bad u may ask...well..its a complex calculation of visual impact,wordplay and some unexplainable force...well..i juz choose...whatever fancy i cant really tell how it work..and safe to say dat it work for did cover represent whats some extent yes.unless d cover used purposely used as disguise,or intentionaly misguiding.but dat doesnt mean we should judge d book with it cover..and d cover is only one page.what one page can tell about hundreds or even thousands of pages inside.and we shall no be judgemental..but we juz cant help it,can juz happen.we always have some type of presumation about someone or something or anything.but as we get to know better,well see d side we didnt saw earlier.dats juz life..or something like d nest time u choosing a book,give d cover a lil more thought..and see what u can make out of it..and see if u guess it right...
so where am i heading with diz,i cant tell pretty much cant tell u really what am i trying to tell u all here..i cant think of any specific topic.cant even put a title for diz.but seem like few of my entries have no title.but title dont make or break something...or u beg to differ?yes,its important.but not THAT important.better to have a slightly underrated title but a good story than a killer title but crap story.but somehow i choose my book based on title...nost of d time..and whats on d i determine a good to bad u may ask...well..its a complex calculation of visual impact,wordplay and some unexplainable force...well..i juz choose...whatever fancy i cant really tell how it work..and safe to say dat it work for did cover represent whats some extent yes.unless d cover used purposely used as disguise,or intentionaly misguiding.but dat doesnt mean we should judge d book with it cover..and d cover is only one page.what one page can tell about hundreds or even thousands of pages inside.and we shall no be judgemental..but we juz cant help it,can juz happen.we always have some type of presumation about someone or something or anything.but as we get to know better,well see d side we didnt saw earlier.dats juz life..or something like d nest time u choosing a book,give d cover a lil more thought..and see what u can make out of it..and see if u guess it right...
dan dia kembali kesitu ruang yang dia tidak suka dan betapa dia tidak lagi mahu berada.tetapi hidup ada rancangan lain untuk dia.dia cuba mengatakan kepada dirinya yang itu hanya sementara.suatu singahan dalam sebuah kehidupan.sebentar namun menyiksakan.diam yang menjerihkan.sepi yang memeritkan.dia sukakan kehingaran sebuah kesibukan.dia mahukan kebingitan yang memenatkan..
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