Wednesday, January 28, 2009

isi pikiran seorang aku yang bosan dan tertekan

hahaha....d thing with writing in electronic form is we can easily backspace or delete things...not as if we orite on a blank page n pen...where once scribbled,its there for sure.and dats kinda killing d spontaneous of now i vow to not to backspace myself...unless its spelling error dat i catch...and u gonna see lots of it...and wrongly spelled,or wrongly used words..or wrong words altogether....but whattheheck,im not in some english classes or anything..i write not to improve my cikgu faridah here to fine me 10cent for one why i write..?haha..whatif i say i have to channel my "feeling" "inner feeling"?haha....u dont buy dat,dont u..dont tell me u believe in those things...why i write...coz i know i can write...coz i used to write..back when i dun even know how internet look like...back when white sheet of paper n blue pen always there in my backpack...and on,why do i write...coz i feel like writing...dats not a reason enuf to write..?then i write for no reason at about dat..


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. first!

    welcome to blogging dude.

    n now u hv ur own little corner in this vast network, make d full use of it. but wanna know what i look forward to d most? i wanna see how sarcastic u can be. (don’t take it as a challenge, pls).

    n if u keep ur word about backspacing/deleting, then i know that i’m gonna hv fun reading it.

    cant wait to read ur second entry about ur blog.

    happy blogging!!

  3. ahh... busted.

    anyway... re-adjust ur clock.. d time's all wrong dude..
