Thursday, December 31, 2009

my political hope for new year,new malaysia(or wish that will never come true)

allow me to be a bit political this time.and please be reminded that im not writing this as someone who is on the opposition side.admitedly im still a registered member of a certain party,but i can safely state that im done with party based this and few other politic related entry in my blog can be considered as view from someone who no longer believe in party based politics.i dunno if thats acceptable but what the heck,im tax paying,registered voter rakyat who im entitled to have a say about things.and dont say that i owe anything to "them".i owe them it my education,welfare,health,utilities or even this land im standing yes,please do this few things..
improve our education system n policy especially upper tiers.stop it from becoming "money generating venue" for a few at the cost of our youngsters.coz thats what have been happening cost money to get quality education,we know that.but please make sure the money the poor rakyat gonna spend on the education for thier beloved son and daughter is a money well spent.not just for a roll of degree not worth the paper it written on.secondly,stop making us rakyat pay more than what it cost to provide us with clean water,power,fuel,road.its goverment's responsiblity to provide the rakyat this basic neccesities.understandably it cost lots of mony to produce,run and mantain all the above-mentioned things.hey,we dont ask it to be free..but stop making millions of profit for the shareholders at the expense of us people.thats just fortright vulture,robbing us blind in daylight.and put us rakyat first.if u cant do that,just call it shareholder's goldmine.third,implement the "build first than sell" policy.too many rakyat has become victims regarding this lapuk issue.kesian la kat kami rakyat yang berpendapatan rendah dan sederhana.its the classic case of durian and mentimun...didnt any of u from high up there watch tv3 news at all?fourth,stop using the race card.of all kind of party,association,races and whatsnot here in this country,its u who always play this race card.and u do so while at the same time talk about racial unity,equality,harmony ,so on and so forth.yet its u who always use race card to spark fear of losing the ketuanan,while in truth,its the power and all the peak that come with it that u fear of the same as i know what u talk about and u know what im talking about...and please,stop treating us voters like a fool coz sooner or later ull make a fool of urself

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