Thursday, December 31, 2009
just a bit more on my beloved country
by any cost,please avoid urself from having to do business with our public services.but if u have no choice and still have to face any of the agencies,do not be short,epect it to be unpleasant.expect delays,being pushed around,treated rudely,lots of red tapes.even better if u expect the thing not gonna work at u save urself from unneccesary hike of blood pressure,unworthy anger and all sort of short,dont count on it.and remember to write down all the names of the public SERVANT that u deal with,so that they know u know ur right and hopefully they will do thier job a lil efficiently(dont expect them to go the length tho).and if they ever offend u,demand to speak to the bosses or ask for complaint them that its us the rakyat is thier bosses...yes,they are public SERVANT and we are the its thier job to SERVE us....
my political hope for new year,new malaysia(or wish that will never come true)
allow me to be a bit political this time.and please be reminded that im not writing this as someone who is on the opposition side.admitedly im still a registered member of a certain party,but i can safely state that im done with party based this and few other politic related entry in my blog can be considered as view from someone who no longer believe in party based politics.i dunno if thats acceptable but what the heck,im tax paying,registered voter rakyat who im entitled to have a say about things.and dont say that i owe anything to "them".i owe them it my education,welfare,health,utilities or even this land im standing yes,please do this few things..
improve our education system n policy especially upper tiers.stop it from becoming "money generating venue" for a few at the cost of our youngsters.coz thats what have been happening cost money to get quality education,we know that.but please make sure the money the poor rakyat gonna spend on the education for thier beloved son and daughter is a money well spent.not just for a roll of degree not worth the paper it written on.secondly,stop making us rakyat pay more than what it cost to provide us with clean water,power,fuel,road.its goverment's responsiblity to provide the rakyat this basic neccesities.understandably it cost lots of mony to produce,run and mantain all the above-mentioned things.hey,we dont ask it to be free..but stop making millions of profit for the shareholders at the expense of us people.thats just fortright vulture,robbing us blind in daylight.and put us rakyat first.if u cant do that,just call it shareholder's goldmine.third,implement the "build first than sell" policy.too many rakyat has become victims regarding this lapuk issue.kesian la kat kami rakyat yang berpendapatan rendah dan sederhana.its the classic case of durian and mentimun...didnt any of u from high up there watch tv3 news at all?fourth,stop using the race card.of all kind of party,association,races and whatsnot here in this country,its u who always play this race card.and u do so while at the same time talk about racial unity,equality,harmony ,so on and so forth.yet its u who always use race card to spark fear of losing the ketuanan,while in truth,its the power and all the peak that come with it that u fear of the same as i know what u talk about and u know what im talking about...and please,stop treating us voters like a fool coz sooner or later ull make a fool of urself
improve our education system n policy especially upper tiers.stop it from becoming "money generating venue" for a few at the cost of our youngsters.coz thats what have been happening cost money to get quality education,we know that.but please make sure the money the poor rakyat gonna spend on the education for thier beloved son and daughter is a money well spent.not just for a roll of degree not worth the paper it written on.secondly,stop making us rakyat pay more than what it cost to provide us with clean water,power,fuel,road.its goverment's responsiblity to provide the rakyat this basic neccesities.understandably it cost lots of mony to produce,run and mantain all the above-mentioned things.hey,we dont ask it to be free..but stop making millions of profit for the shareholders at the expense of us people.thats just fortright vulture,robbing us blind in daylight.and put us rakyat first.if u cant do that,just call it shareholder's goldmine.third,implement the "build first than sell" policy.too many rakyat has become victims regarding this lapuk issue.kesian la kat kami rakyat yang berpendapatan rendah dan sederhana.its the classic case of durian and mentimun...didnt any of u from high up there watch tv3 news at all?fourth,stop using the race card.of all kind of party,association,races and whatsnot here in this country,its u who always play this race card.and u do so while at the same time talk about racial unity,equality,harmony ,so on and so forth.yet its u who always use race card to spark fear of losing the ketuanan,while in truth,its the power and all the peak that come with it that u fear of the same as i know what u talk about and u know what im talking about...and please,stop treating us voters like a fool coz sooner or later ull make a fool of urself
tired of being happy....?
how often u heard or feel someone saif "im tired with all of this"...this is my take about that sentence.its a sign of someone who is not happy with his life.or when the happiness that he think is reall all this while actually not something that come from within.its artificially induced another word,borrowed happiness..its just happiness that very much depended on someone else's when he feel he dont get worthy reward for his effort,the tiredness will creep in slowly.and sooner or later this "tired" feeling will take over and happy no longer he will be....and regarding my usage of "his" in this entry,i mean it universally for both sexes...tiredness dont choose side and so is if u still think about new year's resolution,heres a good one for; be a truly happier person in 2010 and beyond.if u cant make urself happy,no one can make u truly happy..and i mean no one..
good bye 2009...or should i say welcome 2010..or whatever u like
well..its just like any other year i guess..
nothing much to tell about it..
nothing to shout about it..
nothing to be proud about it..
not much happened to say its much different..
not getting much wiser..
if anything, seem like much fooler..
not getting any better yet not that worst anyway...
nothing to look back and nothing much about 2010 to look forward to..
yes,its just another year come and gone..
as any day would come and go..
it just happened that the day that come start with 1/1 and the going end with 31/12..
so dont think much about it if u dont think much about every single day of the past 364 days..
it just year...
well..its just like any other year i guess..
nothing much to tell about it..
nothing to shout about it..
nothing to be proud about it..
not much happened to say its much different..
not getting much wiser..
if anything, seem like much fooler..
not getting any better yet not that worst anyway...
nothing to look back and nothing much about 2010 to look forward to..
yes,its just another year come and gone..
as any day would come and go..
it just happened that the day that come start with 1/1 and the going end with 31/12..
so dont think much about it if u dont think much about every single day of the past 364 days..
it just year...
entry of a sleepless person
i cant sleep tonight.knowing myself,i knew why my brain refuse to obey the sleep signal from the eye.its because the brain occupied..with something.and im not sure if im willing to put this matter onto this page..but somehow,some of the thought will find it way i think.lets see how can i play with words and express what i feel right goes.....can we hit someone without making that person feel the physical blow yet will yield the same can we a mild hint that gonna be as effective as being obvious.can we stand our ground without making others losing face.can we compromise while at the same time stand true to our principle.can we uphold our honour without making others lose face.can we bend the unbendable without breaking it to pieces...yep..thats about it.....
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
satu malaysia.malaysia boleh.boleh blah.boleh jalan dah.jalan jem lagi.lagi lagi banjir bila ujan.buat terowong berbillion2 tapi masih banjir.masih jem.banjir je terus buat kempen politik masa bagi bantuan.bantuan tu keje korang.kalau kitorang tak pangkah korang pun korang ttp kena bagi bantuan sebab korang amik duit kitorang buat rumah besar besar so korang takde hak nak ungkit yang korang majukan negara.bukan korang buat pakai duit korang sendiri.instead korang lagi curi hak kitorang untuk korang punya sedara mara...
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
of on-screen-love
vampire is not much of a good lover.and vampire's girlfriend doesnt really know how to express her love.thats the impression i got after watching the latest instalment of a certain movie.i cant help but to compare.and dare i say that both the first and the second rolled into one cant beat the love potrayed by few minutes of phonecall from leornado to his "girlfriend" (they are not really a lover but watch the movie and ull know i mean) toward the end of his life in BLOOD DIAMOND.but then again,maybe it just me...and yes,leo is that ,that GOOD
Thursday, December 3, 2009
in memory of a friend,najib the quiet one
he was a good friend.always willing to help me should i need to go somehwere.he was quiet,he was hardworking,he was a good friend.but i never know his real name.i dont bother to ask.was i a good friend of him as much as he was a good friend of mine.alfatihah to najib.may god place him among the blessed ones...
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