Anas relates that, "We asked the Prophet, 'O Messenger of Allah, shouldn't we refrain from calling others to goodness if we don't practice all good things ourselves, and shouldn't we refrain from forbidding wrong things until we ourselves have abstained from all the bad?' 'No,' he replied, 'You should call others to goodness even if you don't do all good, and you should forbid bad things even if you don't abstain from all of them yourselves.'"
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
the thing about simple life
as i watch this movie,i suddently got this urge to write.i was skeptical about this movie.i didnt expect it to be that.......heavy..yes i did judge..and i once write a piece titled "judge not".yes,feel free to judge me now.lets see where im getting at diz time mind got so many things now ..theres philosophy,theres love..theres friendship..theres relationship..theres life..theres few othert things i cant put into words..the thing is,we can almost picture it perfectly in our head..but no words seem fit to describe how we feel..words didnt seem enough...and the thing with this "feeling" or "thought" is it always me,make that me question my existance..question my purpose..question my "dreams"..question my goal..where ive been and where im heading to..but me being me,always manage to find simplicuty in things..or i always simplify things..or i rather make it simple..
people always go "its complicated" but the thing is,its always simple if we look at it from "neutral" side.we are human.we are people..we judge..we break heart..we betray..we hurt...we juz juz accept all theseand see every little things in our life from that point of view...and i dont know where im going with this...but i think u get the idea..but that said,i gotta add that life never is simple...its juz we gotta find simplicity in all the mess life throw at us...and thats can be tricky for most of us...
people always go "its complicated" but the thing is,its always simple if we look at it from "neutral" side.we are human.we are people..we judge..we break heart..we betray..we hurt...we juz juz accept all theseand see every little things in our life from that point of view...and i dont know where im going with this...but i think u get the idea..but that said,i gotta add that life never is simple...its juz we gotta find simplicity in all the mess life throw at us...and thats can be tricky for most of us...
Thursday, September 10, 2009
korang lawan kitorang
dah lama jugak aku tak baca sotkabar.lama jugak tak nengok brita.rasanya dah berbulan2 dh kot.slaluunya kalu aku nengok brita pon bila aku balik kampung,kat pondok harmoni.tu pin sebab derkp ajelaang sume yang bukak.kalo ikutkan aku,mmg aku tgk channel551 atau 553 atau 555.kengkadang 554..kengkadang 701(csi,csi,csi n chuck)kalo kat cheras aku tambah lg satu channel 734(turbo)..aku mmg bukan jenis yg tgk berita sangat.dan aku pon xde rasa ada keperluan nak tgk pon.setakat crita sal satu kampung yg kena jual ngan org lain tapi org lain kena jawa.atau pasal satu kaum bantah org nak buat tpt semayang satu kaum lain.kata toleransi dan keharmonian kaun sangat.kata utamakan rakyat sangat.pastu tak lama ada balik crita jamatan retak lagi.kata pencapaian sangat.takde pon crite pasal walaupun kalah tapi majoriti yg menang dah kurang(yes they mention about how the winner losing thier majority.kalau deorang yg menang,haram pon diorang nak mention yg diorang nyer majority dah susut).takde pon cerita sapal satu malaysia.tah sejak bila lak aa banyak malaysia kat malaysia ni.apa la agaknya yg derang sume pikir masa buat slogan.bangsa malaysia sangat.tapi bila nak buat tpt semayang,melenting tak tentu pasal.pastu ada lak yg mensansikan crita tu.kalau dah propoganda tu ckp ajelah propoganda.jangan sembunyi belakang slogan emebela rakyat.kitorang ni bukan budak2.bukan ada pekdah pon buat camtu.korang tunggu la nanti bile korang dah jatuh terduduk nanti.masa tu baru korang tertanya tanya sebab apa.korang jangan nak crita pasal budi dan jasa.dah korang punya kerja memajukan negeri ni..jangan nak kata yg korang tolong kitorang.sebab kalau korang rasa korang majukan negara ni sbb korang nak berbudi,korang mmg tak sedar diri.kitorang takde utang budi apa2 pon ngan korang.korang yang utang budi ngan kitorang.sebab gaji korang tu kitorang yg bayar.bukan korang buat jematan(yg retak belompun sedekat pas siap buat),skolah(yang nak runtuh dan tak dapat cf pas baru je buat tapi takde pon org yg kena dakwa)jalan raya,balai raya,lebuh raya(yang kitorang kena bayar tol,bukan pakai free..apsal kitorang ni bayar rodtex eh kalau jalan kena bayo)..tu bukan budi korang..kitorang takde utang apa apa ngan korang..korang jangan ingat kitorang wujud sebab korang.korang kena sedar korang tu wujud sebab kitorang.kitorang yang bagi korang sume duit.ingat murah ke cukai yang aku bayo..TIAP TIAP ari lak tu..orang lain bayo sekali je setaun.aku bayo hampir tiap tiap ari.jarang ari sangat aku tak bayo cukai.pastu korang ingat aku nak dengo cakap korang yang layan kitorang macam kitorang ni takde benak pikiran seniri.korang ingat berkesan lagi ke taktik korang yang sama lagi macam berpuluh taun dulu tu.wei,bangun la ,orang lain pon dah berubah.adaptasi ngan perkembangan.bukan setakat perkembangan teknologi je yang korang kena amik.kitorang ni dah pedap la...korang tengok la nasib korang 3 taun lagi..baru korang tau siapa punya kuasa yang sebenarnya
Sunday, September 6, 2009
where to start
as i starting diz entry,too many things going on in my head dat i dunno where to start.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................might as well i dont at all....
Friday, September 4, 2009
a real friend...
is the next best of things in life(maybe even better than blood relationship)...dont get me wrong..i dont mean to put parents and siblings and sudara mara on d second place but read on and ull get what im trying to share.the thing is,u can befriend with anyone,be it ur dad,mom or juz about anyone on diz earth.what is so good about friend...with friend,u r comfortable to talk to,so imagine if u can be a friend with ur parents,wudnt dat be great.with friends,u dont really mind being judge coz u take it as honest opinion.with friend,u dont get hurt easily.and u forgive easier.i mean very little things can break a friendship compared to "a" relationship with someone who juz happened not to be friend first b4 developing into "a"..but having said that not neccesarily mean ur "relationship"with a friend will be stronger than "juz friend" ,if anything it maybe weaker..yes..good friend are hard to come by..
i remember from an editorial page of NST few years back "you are a lucky person if you have 5 best friends"...or something like many i have...hurm ...lets see................................................................................................................................................................
is the next best of things in life(maybe even better than blood relationship)...dont get me wrong..i dont mean to put parents and siblings and sudara mara on d second place but read on and ull get what im trying to share.the thing is,u can befriend with anyone,be it ur dad,mom or juz about anyone on diz earth.what is so good about friend...with friend,u r comfortable to talk to,so imagine if u can be a friend with ur parents,wudnt dat be great.with friends,u dont really mind being judge coz u take it as honest opinion.with friend,u dont get hurt easily.and u forgive easier.i mean very little things can break a friendship compared to "a" relationship with someone who juz happened not to be friend first b4 developing into "a"..but having said that not neccesarily mean ur "relationship"with a friend will be stronger than "juz friend" ,if anything it maybe weaker..yes..good friend are hard to come by..
i remember from an editorial page of NST few years back "you are a lucky person if you have 5 best friends"...or something like many i have...hurm ...lets see................................................................................................................................................................
between a loner and a lonely person
from d other side of the screen= u sound like a lonely person
me=nope,im juz comfortable on my own
people often misunderstood a loner and loneliness.a loner is someone who is comfortable being alone while a lonely person who cant stand being on his own. a loner cheerish d company he got around while a lonely person surround himself with friends so he wont feel lonely...
p/s;not dat i mind being called a lonely person...
me=nope,im juz comfortable on my own
people often misunderstood a loner and loneliness.a loner is someone who is comfortable being alone while a lonely person who cant stand being on his own. a loner cheerish d company he got around while a lonely person surround himself with friends so he wont feel lonely...
p/s;not dat i mind being called a lonely person...
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