Saturday, May 30, 2009
for a friend
semoga Allah merahmati roh almarhum nizam dan menempatkan dia di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman.alfatihah...
Friday, May 29, 2009
when i wrote something ..and especially something long and complicated,dats means i have sumthing dat im trying to find d right word to express..only if its easy.and writing in english dont maybe i shud start trying to write d same issue in 2 languages.hows dat sound to u my readers(like i have dat many readers..perasan me) i have to figure whats for d first entry of bilingual blog section of see u next time i have to figure whats for d first entry of bilingual blog section of see u next time
ull probably b clueless and think i was juz muttering rubbish here but i am read on n learn a thing or two along d way
d funny(in a very annoying way) thing abt us malaysian is we never learn.we NEVER learn from others.we never learn from our mistakes.we never learn from books.we never learn from our history.we never learn from nature.we never learn from d wiser-than-us.we never learn from the fooler-than-us(yes,theres lots ot learn from a fools).we never learn from our friends let alone our enemy(ever heard pandang ke selatan?no u dont..u know where i mean with selatan.lots of thigs to learn from them.public transportation for one.,how to plant a tree,how to build a to do to control ur immigrant,legal n otherwise.etc etc..)we as in a single rakya never learn dat we need a change.we never realy learn how to use our power as individual in right thinking to make the change.yes u may thin u did ur part march last year(or was it april,i was absent for work onboard mv nidia adib).but did u do enuf back u dont i must say.n i didnt do mine now we r paying the price for our never learn.hope we tell ourself lessonlearned.n we bear dat in mind d next time dat chance come around again.lets talk about we as in a comunity.we r supposedly d orang timur(eastern people) who r ramah mesra,berbudi pekerti,lemah lembut,tinggi tatasusila,bertimbangrasa.bertolak ansur and whatsnot(excuse d malay,i tried to use english there but not as good n precise a those as described).but take a look around.what have we learn after 40 yers of d bloody tragedy of 13th may.we still racist toward d other color dat not d same as us.we judge diz particular race as liar,dat particular as pembelit(twister?),and some lebel us as lazy,some ethnic as drunkards,some other as uneducatable,one as major,others as minors,we even still have the lainlain.we behave badly on the road while we r suppose to be a polite and considerate people.our race to get to d destination only apply to our race of who get to the office or home first.we cut,corners,squeze,push and pull and steal any way we can on every chance we got.we cant wait till those who wanna get out of d train or lift out first b4 making our way in.well,seats r limited right..first come first serve those seats are.and our train r so short it got 2 cars only and d management fail to learn d need for extra coach on peak for d bus,dun even get me started.the best for the-power-dat-be to do is i think stop talking about improving the standard of our public transport.juz say out loud dat u r running out of idea and u all bus operator,be it rapid,cepat,keramat or whatever u call ur lines do as u wish..same goes for taxis.dont bother saying u r trying to curb all those ulats and crooks who prey on people.juz say dont even bother with ur permit and chargh as hi as u want.rm30 to get to klcc from puduraya seem fair if u dont know how to get there on foot and have no other mean of transportation.afterall its u d user who never learn d reliability of our public transport to do sumthing ,ur part to make them improve it.and u also never learn to save ur money or whatever u have to do to by ur own serve u right uall who have to use(not by choicei believe most of d time)taxi,bus,train,commuters,rapid,cepat,not so rapid and sometime-never get-to-arive public transport users.serve u right for not learning a thing called or own transport.adn lets move on while they d road users stuck there in d traffic jam because of those who never-been-summoned cue-cutter.slap them a very hefty fine..better still consficate thier car,juz to teach them a lesson so they learn a thing or two about it losing patience ,losisng ur chance to make a turn because they keep sqeezing or losing a car.let them LEARN.then lets us see how we never learn as a country.tho diz issue not really we have control over but because of us they r dont u think what they did wrong is because of our wrong choice..look at the first thing we never learn what i mean..dun get between the lines then..still dun get on then.first we choose wrongly because we dont leran a thing from our previous wrong choice,simply by not trying hard to convince d next person how we need d change to take place.and since we chosen wrongly yet again,they as a never-lerned-what -they-have-done wrong in d past got d chance again..not to get it right but to make it even worst.but they need not wory.because they know the people never learn.tho they also never learn,they have all sort of means to make it as they actually learn and achive sumthing.dats what we call creating sumthing out of nothing.making money out of thin air.did d money hold any value?no u say?hey a money still a money even out of thin yes d money still have a value.untill people learn dat no value of such money dat how they keep the secret of no-value-thin -air-money from us people.well they use all sort of screens,trick,plan,propaganda,media ,method and every other means they can think of.they never learn dat a dead elephant cant be will get swollen first,then it will blow.once it happen,d smell alone enuf to turn people we learn anything there later if dat ever happen.i sure hope we least we gotta learn dat if we cant cover the dead elephant,we shud cover every nose there is.hows dat for sumthing to learn.we were shaken by another along case again.diz time its lock-up type.d only people dat learn a things or two from past along outbreak is d along.they leard dat no gain gained from shooting fun.d satisfaction is too short-lived for dat amount of money.and once dead no way u can get d money back.its not like they can collect d payment on d afterlife anyway since they r d one who shot d dats pay all his debt in d d along up d ante.and use new (or maybe not so new ,only newly discovered) method of punishing them loan-fouler.and those loan fouler,they r d biggest never learn a thing people.they have no one but themself to blame really in diz case.didnt they know what along is on malay ..or english if u happen to be against PPMSI,which i hope to touch a bit later.they are LINTAH DARAT/LOAN SHARK (english name sound fiercer maybe but did u know how hard to peel away a leech once it bitten u,n ull b suprised how much they can suck,blood dat is...what they suck.n they can go to place u never want them to be).and these people,they juz feed d demand.they r there in d first place becoz of demand.first there r real demand.then they learn dat demand can b created out of thin air if theres enuf supply in d thin air.see who they learn all dis from..yes my appreciated reader..yes they learn diz from .......................(fill in d blank with CORRECT answer please,n i mean THE correct answer..geddit?)so they creat as they learn..and those who never learn from those who got killed,maimed,paint splashed,beaten to pulp,threat,suicide with thier whole innocent family.they never lern dat u cant cover a hole with digging another hole,cuz ull always dig a bigger hole..till d hole big enuf to be ur own grave.financially or literaly dat is.they r leach u see.suck u dry is what they do best.or shark if u please.shark dont do small injury..shark always inflict worst injury when they attack..death is lucky for shark victim.shark dont fool why them people who got chained and beaten never learn.guess somethings u juz gotta learn it d hard way.if u r in a deep financial trouble laready,what make u think an along can help u.u never learn a thing from ur first hole dat u dug.some people juz dont learn dat d bigger d pot,d bigger lid u need to cover it.and same goes for d crust ,d bigger d pot d bigger d crust..dats they never learn.till its too late and they r chained,thier famnily threated,thier life at stake and theres nothing much u can do except bear d consequence of never learn d first time.and second time.and third time...and for as many time as u like coz u juz can never learn.and our power-dat-be.the one who suppose to be smart enuf to make them one of b dest in d world.yep,im talking about them who have d big power inthier hand.d power to abuse dat power without paying d price.d power to blow..ops...yes they can crack a miltimilion ringgit gambling syndicate and countrywide drug ring yet they cant make d effort to call every number on d sticker posted on lamp posts,bus stands,public phones booth,power junction boxesand u name it ull see it.not to mention banners and flyers.soon maybe they'll use pop-ups over d net or sms promo with misscall-us-n-we-call-u-back option.i believe they learn dat tactic laready.only the need to use it not yet if everyone of them take one munber and give them a call n set up a fake meeting to get them,soon enuf they dont have enough space to hold them they have to use d old penjara pudu for these ahlongs,ahngah and thier whole family and what is there to learn about making a call.making d call.but a call is still a call lets talk about who we dont learn about how to make our kids learn.theres 2 sides..those who is for n those who is not.everyone have thier own reasoning.everyone waht it to be done thier dont u learn theres thing called diplomacy.dont be a two fighting elephants n end up stomping thier youngs.dont let d kids pay d price for our mistake.we cant pay dat consequesce.we make d mistake n d next generation pay,as we r paying past generation mistake now.what mistake u ask.didnt we live in peacefull,harmony,prosperous and free country u say.and d thing about paying later is theres always interest.ull always pay more than u borrow.and sometime d interest is too much u end up ..well..look up for those ahlongl and thier ....well..thier clients...dats what happened when u can keep up with d payment,interest got too high u can keep up u bound to hurt urself in a way u cant recover.u simply cant recover from ahlong debt coz its crippling u.u cant recovered from our past generation mistakes coz we are stuck too deep we simply cant lift up our feet to take us of d pit.pit of destruction dat is.and if we ever get out by some miracle and willpower of togetherness,dont expect to run straightaway with ur feet clean.remember u juz stuck knee-depth(if not deeper),so it take some time to clean all those mud,and to ......learn the rythm to fasten ur walk and then u can start to job ..then u can run all d way if u wish to.but dont forget to turn back to take a look at d mudpit u juz left,not to juz be noatalgic about it but to relfect on waht u hv done wrong,what have them done wrong to get u there,and learn a thing or two while u looking back.for no need to look back if u dont learn,u risk bumping on obsturction if u do dat.and u got hurt for nothing if u bump onto sumthing while u learn nothing while looking back dat make u hit ur head.what waste..coz if u do,not only u never learn from d mud pit thingy,u actually never learn at all of how we get there in d first place.we get there into d mudpit because we hit to much bump while walking.wecause we look after we hit one too many time we decide to look up to dodge d thing dat hitting our head we forgot theres a need to look down for theres always thigs dat can get into our way every now n then..we r too hape we dont hit out head we forget we need d legs to keep us we never learn a thing looking down and learn nothing looking up neither.pity us we even deserve a pity ,being such a fool i lets us decide its time for us to show them we do learn.and show them they should learn too.and they learn it too late to prevent d change we are bringing.but learn also in our change dat it take time to learn new thingtho bear in mind one can do d same mistake over n over again only for so many what say u,after reading dis,didnt u get what im trying to say?
Thursday, May 28, 2009
faces of life
how many sides of ourself we have in our life.ever heard "talam dua muka".yes,talam(serving tray) can only have 2 "face" but we human are much more complicated than dat...
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
lines of our life
theres 2 type of lines d thin line can be thin n blurry..and worst when it thin,blury and foggy...but there r some line dat clearly marked,wide and brightly lighted...u know d line is there..its so wide and clear u feel safe playing near it..unknown to u dat such line have a very weak link.and d different between there line is d thin one usualy but not alway d line where u can step back in if u happen to cross over.because its so thin,getting back into d line well..easy..but not dat easy mind u..but d wide line..diz is tricky one...diz type of line usualy have a wider area of coverage...d teritory for u to play inside it usualy big..spacious..n comfortable...but as we are d type who well,,like to take d things to d limite,we tend to near d edge..we play fire near d edge..we thot we can push it as much as we can and nothing will happen.dat d line can take as hard a push we can quote red(played by morgan freeman) in SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION "everyone have thier breaking point" when diz line reach it breaking point,when u cross d wide clearly marked,brightly lighted line,its almost alwasy ..almost always every time u cant get in back again...coz whatever dat make u severe d line is too big..since u manage to cross d line as thick as dat..
when u know its a question u shudnt ask,why u let ur curiosity win over sensiblity.when u know it will be offensive,why u let ur 'need to know' overrule ur right mind.when u know its not right to say so,why u let ur loose mouth spoil it it.when u know it will end up disastrously,why u still take d risk n blow it.when u know its not right ,why u think its still ok.didnt u know d saying terlajak perahu boleh diundur,terlajak kata badan binasa..when u know it will change everything ,why u still insist.when u know will cant land it,why u still take d plunge.when u know after so many time ,why u still be a fool..big time...
a day in the life of a working commercial diver
diver to control ...
com test one,tww,three.four how do u read me..
u r luod n clear ...
bail out check completed,cylinder pressure at 200 bar,two zero zero bar,request for main gas roger..
diver got main gas..
system check completed,dial-a-breath set,diver ready to go.
diver in the water,at the downline roger..
roger dat,diver left surface..
diver on the job.
diver left bottom..
diver on the surface..
diver on deck,diver well
diver on BIBS
diver well..
com test one,tww,three.four how do u read me..
u r luod n clear ...
bail out check completed,cylinder pressure at 200 bar,two zero zero bar,request for main gas roger..
diver got main gas..
system check completed,dial-a-breath set,diver ready to go.
diver in the water,at the downline roger..
roger dat,diver left surface..
diver on the job.
diver left bottom..
diver on the surface..
diver on deck,diver well
diver on BIBS
diver well..
Monday, May 25, 2009
despite d lack of sleep d last 24 hours,i cant bring myself to mind must be working hard about sumhting dat im yet to know about,sumthing dat im unaware of..coz i cant relly tell what is it dat im thinking about.because dats usualy d reason why i cant sleep.i cant shut my mind (or brain,whichever u prefer) off.and my body system is not tired enuf to override my brain.n i gotta work tomorrow!guess d long strech of unemployed finally catch up with build in clock.i used to wake up early in d morning no matter how late i go to its a struggle to wake up at 8....owh..i need to find sumthing productive to do when im not working...
how well u know urself..and how good u r at doing sumthing dat will suprise much of urself dat u think u dunno of..or d side of urseelf dat u not aware of.we always think we know ourself..and we know what we want and we r capable of choosing whats right n whats not.but how many time u end up doing something dat,well not so right or not what u really want.and how many time doing something what u want translate into not doing whats right for urself.and how we repeat d same mistake over n over agin..yet we dare to say we r mature.we keep doing d same mistake yet we dare to say we cant learn if we dont make mistake..i choose to be always right n not learning a thing.and how honest we r in knowing ourself.dow hipocrite we r toward many time we told ourself its ok when its really in not so many time we make believe and lie to ourself and we dun admit dat we r many time we wish instead of actualy go n do things dat we want to do.and how many time we wish we do things differently when things dont go as many time we miss d excitement and thrill ..jus to be on d safe side..or do things as what others always do,as what ppl say it shuld be ask well u know urself...think ur answer...?..then tell urself how honestb is ur answer to urself...afterall u cant lie to urself,can u....
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